Morning Runs Around The Casterbridge, Dorchester

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For those planning a short run before breakfast, here are a few suggestions.

The Roman Boundary Run

2500 metre circuit. The Roman town of Durnovaria was defended by walls on three sides and the river on the fourth. The walls are now marked by pedestrian avenues know collectively as The Walks; the whole circuit is accessible in almost all weather conditions. The surface is tarmac throughout.

Turn left out of The Casterbridge and in twenty metres turn left onto the riverside path. After 500 metres you arrive at a 'T' junction in the path, turn left over the low footbridge and right past the thatched Hangman's Cottage, cross the road and go up the steps to The Walks, turn right.

Follow The Walks, crossing six roads in two km, until The Walks finally peter out into a back street, go straight on for 100 metres and you will complete the circuit only thirty metres from the door of The Casterbridge.

The King's Road Run

1000 metres on tarmac (500 there and back) plus as many grass circuits as you wish.

Cross the road outside The Casterbridge, go left and in thirty metres cross the side road. On the far side follow the river path until it ends in suburban streets, go straight on, the river is still on your right, until the end of the road. Directly in front of you is the King's Road Playing Field. Return by the same route.

The Salisbury Field Run

300 metres on road (150 there and back) plus as many grass circuits as you wish.

Cross the road outside The Casterbridge, go left and then immediately turn right. Take the small street straight in front of you and keep straight on. In a little way you will emerge into Salisbury Field, an informal playing field where you may run on the grass.